

Children's EcoBook Series



Children's EcoBook Series



Children's EcoBook Series

Children's EcoBook Series

Service: Illustrations

Service: Illustrations

Service: Illustrations

Date: Jun 12, 2023

Date: Jun 12, 2023

Date: Jun 12, 2023


Create a series of illustrations for a children's book series focused on environmental education and sustainability.


  1. Character Design: Developed charming and relatable characters to engage young readers.

  2. Storyboarding: Created storyboards to outline the narrative and visual flow of the books.

  3. Illustration Style: Chose a colorful and whimsical illustration style to captivate children's attention.

  4. Educational Content: Incorporated educational elements into the illustrations to teach children about environmental conservation.


  1. High Sales: The book series achieved high sales, becoming a bestseller in the children's environmental books category.

  2. Educational Impact: Received positive feedback from educators and parents about the books' educational value.

  3. Awards and Recognition: The series won several awards for Best Children's Educational Book.

  4. Increased Awareness: Helped raise awareness about environmental issues among young readers.

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer