

Eco track



Eco track



Eco track

Eco track

Service: Product Design

Service: Product Design

Service: Product Design

Date: Apr 21, 2024

Date: Apr 21, 2024

Date: Apr 21, 2024


To redesign the mobile application for EcoTrack, a leading eco-friendly product tracker, with the aim of enhancing user experience, increasing engagement, and driving higher conversion rates.


  1. User Research and Analysis: Conducted extensive user research to understand the needs, pain points, and behaviors of the current users. This involved surveys, interviews, and usability testing sessions.

  2. Competitive Analysis: Analyzed competitor apps to identify industry standards, best practices, and areas for differentiation.

  3. Persona Development: Created detailed user personas to represent the primary user groups. These personas guided the design decisions and ensured the app met the needs of its diverse user base.

  4. Wireframing and Prototyping: Developed wireframes to map out the user journey and app structure. Created high-fidelity prototypes to visualize the design and functionality.

  5. User Interface (UI) Design: Focused on creating an intuitive, aesthetically pleasing interface. Emphasized eco-friendly themes with a clean, modern look, utilizing green color palettes and natural imagery.


  1. Increased User Engagement: Post-launch analytics showed a 35% increase in daily active users and a 25% increase in average session duration.

  2. Higher Conversion Rates: The streamlined user journey and enhanced features led to a 40% increase in conversion rates for eco-friendly product purchases.

  3. Improved User Satisfaction: User surveys conducted after the redesign indicated a 30% improvement in overall user satisfaction scores.

  4. Positive Feedback: Received positive feedback from both existing users and new users, highlighting the app's improved usability and appealing design.

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer