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EcoDocumentary Series

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EcoDocumentary Series

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EcoDocumentary Series

EcoDocumentary Series

Servicio: Video Editing

Servicio: Video Editing

Servicio: Video Editing

Fecha: 16 sept 2023

Fecha: 16 sept 2023

Fecha: 16 sept 2023


Edit and produce a documentary series on environmental conservation efforts around the world.


  1. Footage Review: Reviewed and organized hours of raw footage from various conservation projects.

  2. Story Development: Developed a compelling narrative structure for each episode.

  3. Editing Techniques: Used professional video editing techniques to create engaging and informative episodes.

  4. Sound Design: Incorporated sound design elements, including background music and voiceovers, to enhance the storytelling.


  1. High Viewership: The series attracted a large audience, with millions of views across streaming platforms.

  2. Educational Impact: Received praise for effectively educating viewers about environmental conservation.

  3. Awards and Recognition: Won multiple awards for Best Environmental Documentary Series.

  4. Increased Donations: Helped raise awareness and increase donations to featured conservation projects.

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer