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EcoCommerce Website

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EcoCommerce Website

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EcoCommerce Website

EcoCommerce Website

Servicio: Web Design

Servicio: Web Design

Servicio: Web Design

Fecha: 25 abr 2024

Fecha: 25 abr 2024

Fecha: 25 abr 2024


Design and develop an ecommerce website for EcoCommerce, an online store selling eco-friendly products.


  1. User Research: Conducted user research to understand the target audience's needs and preferences.

  2. Information Architecture: Created a clear and intuitive information architecture to facilitate easy navigation.

  3. Responsive Design: Designed a responsive website that provides an optimal user experience on all devices.

  4. Eco-Friendly Theme: Used a clean and modern design with eco-friendly themes and visuals.


  1. Increased Traffic: The new website saw a 50% increase in traffic within the first three months.

  2. Higher Conversion Rates: Achieved a 40% increase in conversion rates due to the improved user experience.

  3. Positive Customer Feedback: Received positive feedback from customers about the website's design and usability.

  4. Sales Growth: Recorded a 35% increase in sales of eco-friendly products.

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer

Dean Kresh

Web designer